I would love to comment on this, but I live in Indiana and I don't think we have Vaginas here. It's a mostly Republican state.

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Caveat emptor?

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A wonderful essay about the wizzy, as my children called it. I'm only surprised the Times printed it.

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Margo, The Times didn’t print this one. I had a lot of fun with the high cost of Viagra, disposing of sex toys, and concerns, when you are dating, with a particular age range, about the, uh, Nelson Rockefeller reaction.

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Ha! Didn't sound like thier kind of feature.

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“Sex toys – –“ priceless… And I don’t mean the adult seesaw.

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Interesting report, and funny!

It reminds me of being a young women's studies student in Toronto and being sent into a sex shop to investigate and analyze! What are they selling, and why?

I am pretty curious about the injected estrogen bullets reported on by reader E. Busch. but the reality is I wouldn't be likely to do that. I don't pay that much time or money on my body.

I love my body, and I love my husband's body, but things are a changing at a pace now, with us in our sixties. So we adjust. But it is all good!

I wonder if women who are making the effort to look and feel younger have younger lovers?

With all the efforts to whiten and shave and clean and modify, doesn't it feel like one of the most important feminist lessons, accepting our bodies how they are, has been lost in this 'post- feminism' world?

I get it that men do it too now! But good lord, I don't get it and I don't think this negative self scrutiny is good for anyone.

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Thank you once again for your excellent reporting and researching.....alas, all this sounds exhausting ( pricey too) but whose life would actually be enhanced? How many of us recall long gazes of our vaginas from a "loved" one? Well, maybe you have....what do I know? I'm just amazed that the old clitoris keeps performing....Thank you body for not taking away the last great pleasure. Have a nice day....

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I lived half the year in Brittany since my thirties. I've been taking vaginal estrogen wax "bullets" for decades. They don't exist in the U.S. My French G.P. suggested I use them when my lady parts started to look like the Gobi. My doctor friends ship the ovules every six months. I use them religiously, three times a week, as prescribed. Not long ago I went to my gyno. When he got a look at my eighty year-old snatch he said with awe, "You have the vagina of a forty year-old woman." I shot back, "Doc, I wish I had the face of one." His response: "You're funny.", as if humor is not on the same orbital path with age and a veejay! I restrained myself from eyeball-rolling. You don't want to diss the hand that wields the speculum, do ya?

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Now I'm curious, Ms. Brenda Starr! I thought I had a pretty good handle on the nether terrain: what to see, visit, jockey, etc. But now you've used so many [new?] terms ".....Precision Plasty," "V-Steam with Lymphatic Drainage, in which an ozone-infused steamer with an Ayurvedic pelvic decongestant shoots .....," "autologous fat transfer and hyaluronic acid...," that I'm sure Professor Kinsey, Dr. Masters, Mrs. Johnson, Shere Hite would all be scratching their respects noodles; googling what this all means. (FYI, the first link for AP Decongestant yields this: "Gandharvahasthadi Kwath." I dare you to ask for this at Duane Reade.)

As I'm trying to picture the interview, especially you in their thrall, are (were) you literally taking..... notes?

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Michael, of course, I took notes! And that was all I took.

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Check out Misseducatedtash. She is all about the vagina.😉

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Holy shit Bat Woman, you just scared my vagina enough to demand safe refuge elsewhere. The big question is how to keep the gates willing to open, or the flower willing to bloom. My sexual appetitie went from voracious to anorexic. Personally I stare more at my face than my clitoris. It does work however but not as willing a participant as in the horny forties. And look what I have to deal with seven;ty year old men with sagging balls and stomach and waving a prescription for Viagra. My vagina screams in horror "sorry out of business." Men got a get out of jail free card from Big Pharma. IS THIS FAIR? Interesting info today but my vagina has demanded a lawyer.

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😂🤣. I'm with you, Gail. Although only 63, headed to 64 in a few months, having had breast cancer twice (2007 and 2023).

I have Foobies and Zero internal lady parts. My estrogen receptors are being blocked with medication. And there is no hormone treatment I can use due to the type of breast cancer I had. Sex is nowhere on my Bingo card.

Thankfully my partner is very loving and accepting of my situation. He accepts that he is in charge of his good time and doesn't want to use Viagra anyway if we were having sex.

So, intimacy for us is not sexual but more deeply satisfying in that our relationship is rock solid.

If others feel the need to wax, laser, inject, nip and tuck, etc., as "wellness" marketing promotes, they are free to do so. As for me, that will be one big NO THANK YOU.

Madam Vageena, you're welcome 🩷

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You rock!

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Thanks, Gail!

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